Living independently is an important part of life for many seniors. Home care services in Minneapolis MN are a great option for many seniors who desire an independent living lifestyle but would benefit from certain services to make life a little easier. One excellent service for independent seniors is companion care, where professional and caring companions make regular visits to seniors. Here are 3 great benefits of companion care: Wonderful Benefits of Companion Care
Interaction With the Outside World
Seniors can often get lonely without regular visitors or people to talk to. Utilizing companion care services where professionals visit seniors is a great way to engage with a friendly and caring person. What’s more, companions can even take seniors out to do various activities in the community (when it’s deemed safe to do so). If desired, companions can take seniors out to lunch or do an activity such as walking in the park or going for coffee. Companions can quickly become trusted friends and great people to venture out with.
Observe & Monitor Mental Health
A key benefit of companion care services is to monitor the mental health states of elderly folks. Isolation and loneliness can majorly impact a person’s mental health state, and having trusted company can be key. Moreover, dementia disorders (such as Alzheimer’s Disease) can impact seniors, which can be extremely hard on a person and their family. Alzheimer’s Disease is progressive and therefore can start to impact a person slowly, but have more severe impacts over time. Companions can help monitor the mental health of seniors and notify family if/when mental health declines to the point of needing further home care services.
Can be Paired With Other Forms of Care
Companion care is a great service on its own because it allows seniors to regularly engage with a kindhearted professional. Sometimes a person just needs someone to listen to and talk to. However, companion care is a great service to open the door to other forms of home care. Many seniors struggle with accepting that it would be beneficial to have other home care services. Companion care can be a good transition into getting homemaker services, home health aides, and/or in-home nursing services.
Companion care is a great option for many senior adults. If you or a loved one could benefit from companion care, contact Pinnacle Home Care, your local home care agency in Minneapolis Minnesota. We are proud to have several home care services available to help seniors maintain independence while getting the care needed. Don’t hesitate to contact us today to learn more about companion care or any of our other services. Watch for Part 2 of this blog series for a few more amazing benefits of companion care services in Minneapolis Minnesota.